Our Labyrinth

Holy Week 2025 Hours:

April 15th -16th: 5-7:30pm

April 17th: 5-7:30pm & 8-8:30pm

April 18th: 12-7pm

Our labyrinth was constructed in the winter of 2004 and used for the first time during Holy Week of 2004. Our labyrinth is 30 feet in diameter and is painted on canvas. It is based on the 11 circuit labyrinth in Chartres Cathedral, south of Paris.

A labyrinth is different from a maze. There are no wrong turns, no dead ends, just the steady winding path to the center. There is only one way in and it is the same path out. Some associate this path with life’s journey, others with their struggles to be closer to God. There is no right or wrong way to walk the path, except that it should be done without shoes (in socks or stockings, please). That said, the journey can be thought of in three parts: the trip to the center, the time in the center, and the trip back out. You are encouraged to take the time you need during each part, being courteous to others you pass along the way. Those on the way out should step aside to allow those on the inward journey to pass. Everyone’s experience is different. For most people, a walk on a labyrinth is a sacred journey. Please be respectful of others on their walk. Labyrinths are currently in use in many parts of the country in churches, hospitals, and parks. Many people pray while on the path. We wish for all a meditative, peaceful, and rewarding experience.