Welcome to the United Methodist Church

of Gales Ferry

Join Us For Worship Each Sunday:

Sunday School for all ages at 9:15 am

Choir Rehearsal at 9:15 am

Worship at 10:30 am

Lenten Programs at UMCGF

“We are a welcoming and nurturing family of faith dedicated to creating disciples of Christ who spread the gospel and demonstrate His love in our neighborhoods, communities and the world.”

Our Mission:

Visit Us.

Office Hours


Choir Practice and Sunday School



We are located across the street from McDonald’s and behind the Shell gas station.

The United Methodist Church of Gales Ferry

10 Chapman Lane

Gales Ferry, CT 06335

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Make a Donation

We are working to make donating even easier with online giving. Click on the “Give” button at the top of this page or scan our qr code to make a donation via PayPal. Please contact the church office for information about contributing your monetary and stock gifts. Your generous gifts help our missions locally and around the world.